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"A Little Fantasy Never Hurts"

There is this myth that says, "a little fantasy has never hurt anybody". This is truly a deception of the devil. Many have been trapped in unwanted pregnancy at their very first sexual encounter. Premarital sex opens up several wounds; leaving room for many things to go wrong in your life. There is the possibility of becoming pregnant at a time one is not prepared for it. Children are born
into the world when their parents are least prepared to carter for them. This attitude exposes the children to a life of penury and hardship in homes. Such children grow with dysfunctional characters. Some other singles face the surgeon's knife, in order to terminate a child's life. Daily, many children through no fault of theirs, are not given the opportunity to live. Some loose their lives on the surgical tables while trying to abort an unwanted pregnancy.

Some people are unable to complete their educational pursuits and end up as school dropouts due to unwanted pregnancies. Who said a little fantasy never hurts? Some contract sexually transmitted diseases, putting themselves in grave danger of AIDS which is becoming so rampant with singles. Some have lost their fallopian tubes and others, their entire wombs. These are deep scars that only the mercy of God can heal. A little fantasy can indeed hurt.

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